Wednesday, December 24, 2008

AARP Finance

AARP Finance - As the year draws to a close stocks around the world are falling with day after day of bad news. Banks, Car Manufacturers, Home Owners and many large retail stores face an uncertain future and little is expected to change as the new year dawns.

AARP members are recommended wherever possible to reduce outstanding debts and to start living within their means. The few AARP members who are debt free are the lucky ones and are in the best position to be able to take advantage of market situations. The Majority need however to sit down over the holiday period and examine their finances.

Perhaps house owners with a large mortgage would be better to sell off and rent property instead of servicing a large debt. Use public transport rather than cars.

Spiraling credit was a root cause of the financial problems that beset AARP members. Credit cards are an expensive way of borrowing money, so it is important to pay off more than the minimum every month and if possible stop using a credit card and plan to replace it with a debit card once the balance has been paid off.

AARP members should seek out cards which offer zero percent on balance transfers which will help pay of thier dept earlier and avoid paying high interest rates.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008


AARP Finance - The upward trend of stocks continue, bolstered with the news that a deal with the automobile manufactures is likely to go AARP Financeahead provided their are changes in management who caused the problems in the first place. The USA cannot afford to close the plants down but will need to make them more efficient.

Around the world Governments are starting to consider public infastructer projects as a means of improving the world financial problems by increasing employment and providing work for construction companies.

Obama has now also confirmed he will continue with the tax cuts set up by Bush. Yes there are more bad statistics due out this week but it is likely that those figures have already taken into account.

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Friday, December 05, 2008


AARP Finance - Once more interest rates around the world are falling as Governments seek to kick start their economies, so what does this mean for AARP members.

If you have loans it will be good news provided the lenders pass the savings on to you, so what are you going to do with the extra money. AARP members need to set up a strategy to start reducing debts that have the highest interest rates such as credit and store cards. Paying off more than the minimum each month and not using the card will save you money. A Cash Society will get you out of dept.

For many AARP members with savings on deposit a fall in interest rates is a bad, so you need to find ways of earning a higher return, find out which banks offer the better rates. Some AARP members are seeing both their cash and stocks falling in value and are beginning to look outside the box on how to protect their lifestyle. One way to do this is to start your own business. A home business offers many tax breaks and also for retired and semi retired members of AARP an interest to keep their minds active, rather than vegetating at home.

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Thursday, December 04, 2008


AARP Finance - It is no wonder that The USA Car Industry is in trouble, as The United Auto Workers have in place a Job Bank which guarantees laid off auto workers 95% of their base pay if they are laid off. The Union agreed yesterday to suspend this job Bank system at GM which is due to run out of money by the end of this month.

Job Loses are continuing to grow with Job cut announcements jumping to nearly 182,000 in November, up 61% from October and up a whopping 148% from a year ago.

Now is the time to for AARP members to buy stocks, although the market will still bounce up and down perhaps for a further month, but long term gains can be expected. It may take shares 3 years or more to replace lost paper value, but with stocks a low value there are good long term prospects.

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008


AARP Finance - Can Americans Afford to Retire?

For many Americans, working for one employer for your career once meant you would receive money in retirement for the rest of your life. Together with the guaranteed, lifetime benefit from Social Security, workers with a company pension knew that they would have retirement income no matter how long they lived. But more and more employers have stopped offering guaranteed pension benefits and instead offer savings plans, such as 401(k)s, that require workers to plan for their own retirement. Today, financial security and peace of mind in retirement is in jeopardy as many people find that they do not have the time to figure out how much they need to save or have questions about how to best manage their investments.

Even though people are optimistic about their ability to save for retirement, consider this:

  • Half of all private sector workers do not participate in an employer-sponsored retirement plan such as a 401(k).
  • People are living longer, requiring even more savings and good investing decisions to make money last a lifetime.
  • Financial services and products are often confusing or too complicated. Getting good, unbiased financial guidance is often difficult.
  • Many people struggle to pay for basic household needs, health care or emergencies and build a nest egg at the same time.
More AARP Members need a way to save for their personal nest eggs before the government takes a bite out of their paychecks. Putting money in an employer-sponsored retirement plan with automatic payroll deduction, such as a 401(k), gives you an immediate tax deduction and you won't pay taxes on the investments in the account until you make withdrawals. Unfortunately, many Americans cannot get the tax benefits of saving because their employers don't offer automatic payroll deductions. Others never sign up for plans that are offered. The result is that too many people end up paying more taxes and not saving enough.

Every AARP Member should have a simple, effective, and easy to understand way to build their personal nest eggs. Businesses can make a difference by offering better retirement plans and savings incentives such as matching funds. Government can help by making it easier to save money tax-free and encourage more savings. And individuals must take responsibility by paying themselves first.

Redefining retirement

By 2010, 1 in 3 workers will be over the age of 50. There are 78 million Baby Boomers in America who are starting to move into their retirement years. However, this doesn't mean that all working boomers are going to leave the workplace.

The word 'retirement' doesn't mean what it used to. More and more people are working well past retirement age. In fact, 8 in 10 boomers say their idea of retirement involves some kind of work, whether part-time or full-time. They plan to work past age 65, and many plan to work well into their 70's.

Some boomers want to continue working, and others will need to. Some want to follow their passion, give back to society, and stay connected. For others, work will help them make ends meet and pay for health care.

Valuing experienced workers

AARP Members 50+ have a lot to contribute. They bring years of experience to the job. They offer valuable skills and loyalty. These employees have a strong work ethic, and they take work seriously.

And many employers 'get it.' They see the value in an experienced workforce. They want to hire and keep mature workers. That is why many companies are changing the workplace so they can take advantage of this great resource. Employers across the country are starting to offer options like flexible scheduling and job sharing, which can benefit all workers.

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Tuesday, December 02, 2008


AARP Finance - Stocks tumbled yesterday as it become known that the USA has been in recession for over a year and this recession is likely to last another six months making it the worst since the 1930's.

Job losses continue to mount on a daily basis. A major decision about the future of GM is expected this week, but it is hard to see the government supporting a company which builds cars that the public do not want.

One of the few ways for AARP members to protect their lifestyle is to take matters into their own hands, many are resorting to garage sales or seeking to build online businesses to bolster their falling income from their retirement plans.

David Ogden - Tomorrows Home Business
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Monday, December 01, 2008

AARP Finance

AARP Finance - Black Friday sales showed a higher than predicted levels about a 2.2% increase on previous years, however many retailer had worked hard to attract customers to spend more and perhaps once the bargains run out sales over the holiday period will fall.

In the UK retailers are expecting a slump in pre Christmas sales,

This week could prove important for AARP members, pundits are expecting stocks to fall, however bearing in mind the relatively good Black Friday results, Low price of oil and the fact that the week following Thanksgiving traditionally show gains, if these occur it could be that the optimism will start driving stocks up.

The car giants in the USA are once more going to plead there case for support and it will be interesting to see if any new information comes to light which might support their request for aid.

The UK government have now announced they have a 60% holding in Royal Bank of Scotland group following a failed share offer. The Bank was caught out with many sub prime loan defaults.

Around the country many AARP members are resorting to garage sales in order to raise cash to pay outstanding bills.

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