I do not know what it is about Internet marketing but the same questions are repeated time and time again in various forums about items such as back linking and no matter what answers are given, the question is raised again and again.
I have come to the conclusion that very few people are interested in the answers, perhaps they post to the forums to get backlinks.
When someone asks me for help in marketing their business I usually start with a test project. I discuss with them how they are marketing, what kind of keywords they are targeting and then show them two tools which I use every day a classified site and a simple web page builder. I then ask them to create 1,000 classified ads and 500 single webpages to promote their business.
The creative writing project needs to be completed for the following reasons.
- To learn how to build backlinks
- To learn creative writing for the Internet techniques
- To prove to me they can follow instructions and are prepared to put in the time and effort to market their business
Some people are gifted and able to write thousands of words on a subject, but most cant. I for one like normally like to write as few words as possible, but this approach does not work when you are writing for the Internet. Few people will read your beautiful crafted classified ad, so do not try selling or use pictures, what you need to do is provide information for the search engine robots or spiders. The spiders are avid readers and will follow all your links seeking more information, the better the quality of the content, the more often they will return and the higher your site will rank.
One method I use is to precis an article or document, rewriting it in my own words, some people use spinning software to rewrite information but I prefer to avoid this as you tend not to read the article so you are not learning yourself.
David Ogden
Internet Marketing Mentor
+1-386-308-1956 USA Office after 6PM EST
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