Using a blog for marketing your business
Many people and some businesses use a blog as their main website because they are easier to set up and need no specialised knowledge. Your blog can be hosted on a public site such as Blogger, which is owned by Google or however Wordpress does not accept business blogs. The problem with public sites is they can get shutdown without warning and for no apparent reason so you are best to place a blog on your own website.
You can download and install a blog from or if you have web hosting that includes Fantastico you can use that to easily install a new Wordpress blog.
When you install your blog remember to choose a good keyword for its name. Everything you do online for marketing your business revolves around keywords so you should keep track of all your keyword research and store it in a document for easy reference.
I advice people to publish new content on a daily basis if possible, that way you can add the RSS feed to your main website to provide a source of new data for the search engine spiders to read and index. Make full use of Categories and Tags to list all your keywords and link to other relevant websites and blogs that you own.
David Ogden
Internet Marketing Mentor
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