Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Marketing your Business

Marketing Your Business
Keyword Selection

How much time do you spend research keywords to market your business, a few seconds, minutes, hours or weeks, there is no real answer but the estimated research time for Keyword Selection is generally between 3 to 20 hours or if you are a novice up to 40 hours. The more time spent on research the better your chances of success. On occasions I have spent up to a month analysing data.

When you first come up with a keyword idea enter it into a Google search box and look to see how many pay per click (PPC) adverts are on the results page, the more the better, if there are none I suggest you choose another keyword.

Next look at the top results and using Alexa examine the traffic and links, the lower the Alexa ranking the better. You also need to look at the web site design to check on the metatag information to discover what keywords are being targeted, because they will be your competitors in marketing your business.

When you are starting out you are of course keen for success but sometimes you may be better to start with a long tailed keyword, which contains your main keyword, if you use the Google Keyword tool this will help select alternative keywords.

Selecting your keyword is the first stage of marketing your business, next you will need to build a web site, blog or landing page, remembering, that you need to include your main keyword in the domain name, title and metatags.

David Ogden
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