Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Marketing your Business

Creative Writing for the Internet

You can easily get your creative writing juices flowing my starting some form of daily diary, keeping people up to date about what you are doing, it does not have to be too elaborate. But it will soon become a habit. I actually started creative writing on the Internet to support adventure racing, and produced daily blogs and reports on my exploits which people found interesting and enabled me to get sponsors each race cost on average $12,000 for entries, travel etc.

It helps if you have an interest in what you are writing about'

Below is am example of todays diary, one of my long term aims is to organise adventure sports in the Philippines so I am running a dairy which let people know about my interests a mixture of work and pleasure letting people know I am a real person not just someone trying to make money from them.

Life In the Philippines

Today was an interesting day, started well with an online webinar where Tom Prendergast explained how Blogfather RSS feeds can be used as SEO assets to power unlimited websites, a great reminder on how easy SEO can be. I then spend a couple of hours on marketing before going out on my mountain bike.

I use my mountain bike as a way to keep fit and today was a trip of exploration the first part of the trip was along a road that I had driven in my 4*4, its strange when driving it did not seem that most of it was uphill. Anyway I crossed the main Sindangan- Dipolog road and up a sharp short hill along a stony track into the unknown, hoping that it would lead me to the coastal road and home. The ride was quite interesting passing my occasional houses and a couple of villages. there were a few people on the track and 3 to 4 motorbikes. The track undulated and twisted and turned around small hill and at one place I nearly got caught out, heading downhill I rounded a corner to find a rubbish tip with people dumping rubbish down a hillside, the stones were replaced by thick mud, not the place to fall, I was lucky dodging a couple of dogs and was soon climbing up the next hill. Eventually I reached the summit and could see the vista of Sindangan Bay and the track dropped sharpl y away. At times I had to keep the brakes on a go slowly not knowing what was around the corner, at other times I could just let rip. Towards the end a motor cycle passed me and I speeded up using him as a guide as to what lay ahead. The track did join the coastal route some 500 metres from my starting point, so now I have a second circular route.

Back home I discovered my satellite card is not working so i tried to contact the provider Cignal with little success kept getting crossed lines or calls would drop out, got very frustrated, tried emailing but replies take 48 hours or more. Talk of how not to run a business. Cignal do not know what service is. so guess the evening entertainment will be reading.

Until the next time David Ogden
+1-386-308-1956 USA Office after 6PM EST
+63-999-114 1149 Philippines 0600-1200hrs GMT +8

Who Is David Ogden David Ogdens Blog International Adventurers Phillipines Better Home Based Business
 Creative Writing for the Internet