Friday, July 29, 2011

Top SEO Results Tool

Top SEO Results Tips
Marketing your Business

I was in the Warriors forum today and someone was asking if SEO is difficult or easy so this is the answer I gave

It seems a strange question to ask, as it depends on what kind of person you are. you see to be successful in SEO you need to become dedicated to success and prepared to put in the time and learn what will produce good results.

Far too many people think its just a matter of putting links or comments on blogs, forums etc. This is just a waste of time and the reason why most people fail.

Before you commence an SEO campaign you need to do some detailed market research to find a niche where there is an opportunity to earn money. Now it greatly helps if your are interested and knowledgeable about your niche, because you will be providing potential customers with information which will hopefully lead to sales, if you do things right.

The next step is to research possible keywords and keyword phrases using online resources such as Alexa, Google to analyse successful sites in your chosen niche Once you have your keywords you need to buy a domain with a name that includes you main keyword phrase and start building and information rich page.

Now most successful sites are those which have a stream of updated information and one way of achieving this is via an RSS feed from a blog, so I always suggest building a blog to which you need to post new information about your niche on a daily basis, which is why it is good to work on a niche which interests you.

In addition to writing a daily blog you need to write classified ads and build addition single page websites to backlinks to your main site.

Now how difficult or simple is that ?

Until the next time

David Ogden
Internet Marketing Mentor
Veretekk Marketing Asia
1-386-308-1956 USA Office after 6PM EST
60-999-114 1149 Philippines