Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marketing Your Business - Keywords

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business

Yesterdays blog was about selecting keywords and today we are going to the next stage and going to use the site to further examine keywords relating to Philippine travel. now you will need to use the advance search features and set country to Philippines.

Now here is a keyword tip use the singular term Philippine to get the most results and it also contains the plural Philippines, so entering Philippine travel, and looking below the advertisers we see a number of general sites such as Google, Wikia, etc which we ignore but on page two come across with a rank of 735,000 Filipino Travel Center with a rank of 735,000, which is interesting as its below the 1,000,000 which is where we want our site to rank. go to the site and look at the search characteristics and you will notice that Cebu Pacific the local airline tops the search traffic, this could also be a good keyword for your site as your potential customers are likely to use the airline.

Take a look also at the sites linking in, you might want to consider linking to some of these sites yourself such as and You are probably starting to realise now that marketing and keyword research is a much bigger subject, than just grabbing a keyword out of thin air. Keyword research can take weeks or months but is time well spent to ensure that you will build a site that will become popular.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business

There are many steps one needs to take to to market an online business, the first of which is to identifying you target customers. One way of doing this is to use Google tools such as the Adwords keyword selector, Google and Alexa search. you have to put yourself in the position of a potential customer, what words are they likely to enter into a search engine and find your site.

They may for example enter your company name if they know it, but it is more likely they will use some other phrase, let us suppose your are a travel company in the Philippines offering tours to inbound tourists perhaps you might start with the words Philippine travel.

The Google keyword tool will then produce a listing of keywords related to Philippine travel such as Philippine travel tours, Philippine travel guide, together with a listing of expected monthly search and how competitive the keyword is, i.e. how difficult it might be to get to page one of search results.

Once you have say half a dozen options, then go to the second stage and enter each in to Google and make a note of the number of PPC adverts which appear in the results, if there are no adverts it probably means it is not a good keyword to use. you will also see who your competitors are likely to be.

Do the same thing in Alexa and look at the Alexa rankings of your competitors and also what are their popular keyword searches.

By the time you have finished this exercise you will have a good ideas of what keywords you need to have in your site, and then its a matter of testing them out. which I will deal with in my next blog

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Are you using Your Free Verblog

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Using your Vereblog

I really find it hard to understand why it that virtually no new user to Veretekk bothers to setup up their Vereblog. I do not know if it lack of confidence to write or lack of understanding of how a simple action of posting information can build backlinks and promote your business for FREE.

Yes this a FREE resource why do you not use it. When you write your blog post it will appear on you profile, you can even set it up so it is the default page for your profile. Your vereblog will also show up on all your friends pages, building additional backlinks.

You vereblog post can also be sent out to you email contact via a simple click of a few buttons, shared on multiple social sites, with the click of a few buttons and also shared in Veretekk groups, posted to 1st family classifieds and made into stand alone web sites using Freepage. you Simple FREE blog post can turn viral and be read by hundreds if not thousands of peoples building backlinks to your profile and business for FREE.

I actually hate promoting Free things, due to all the freeloaders who are never prepared to spend money and just waste people time but this simple tool and action of posting every day will get you results.

Ok now you know who will see it, what are you going to write about. Start with writing about yourself or something that interests you, it can be anything, travel, sport, life experience, business, product reviews, health tips, but please NO SELLING

Attach a signature file to the end of each post to sites you want to promote and that is where what I call the silent selling is done, if people like what you are writing about they will follow the links. The Vereblog attracts search engine spiders to what I call this spider food of content and will also follow these links for more information.

The first task is for you to take action and start writing as you gain confidence you will start to modify what you write about to provide answers for people that are searching for information.

You will not get any results if you do not take action, so come on pull your finger out and get going if you want success. Still cant get going, then Write a post giving reasons why you cannot follow this simple idea. Or perhaps you prefer to pay me $50 a day and I will do it for you:)

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Free Symbiotic Marketing Seminar

marketing your business

I am hosting a free online seminar. Do not let free fool you. I understand the power of groups and building powerful marketing campaigns with the art of delegation. When done right, the results are incredible. But that's the secret. Doing it "right". It;s called Symbiotic Marketing. This Thursday at 12pm noon PST. Scroll to the bottom of my site for the Calendar and room access. Let me know if you saw this ad, I would be intereted in your comments

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Keywords for marketing your business

I have noticed that many people sign up for veretekk and then seem to do nothing, expecting things to happen automatically. Yes the system is a great inter grated marketing machine but you need to learn both how to set it up and how to use it, just logging in on a daily basis will not bring success.


One of the first things you need to understand is the importance of keywords, so what is a Keyword. A keyword is a word or phrase that someone  types into a search engine query box to find what they are looking for. Now your job is to find keywords that best describe the business or service that you are offering. Popular keywords such as "marketing" show in a lot of search results and competition can be high, so you  need use tools such as  Google Adwords Keyword Tool

Now you need to bear in mind that this tools is designed to help pay per click advertisers choice which keyword they wish to bid on but we can also use it for our research, together with entering keyword in both Google and Alexa search boxes to see the results. Generally speaking if you see no paid adverts for a particular keyword it is not a good one but there are some exceptions for instant in names of People, or search which include a location name.

When starting out you may research about half a dozen keywords about your business and these will become the main keywords that you will write about and promote to build backlinks to your business. follow this link to watch my keyword video for more information.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Free Seminar on Business Marketing

Thomas Prendergast
Veretekk CEO

This Wednesday at Noon (May 16, 2012) at 12pm noon PST I will be hosting a special open house for the newly subscribed and seasoned members of Veretekk.

This event will cover the V2 Integration capabilities that have recently become even more powerful than ever. (And you can plagiarize this you have my permission) Integration

You are hearing a lot about integration within Veretekk especially with the launch of V2. But most people do not fully grasp the term and how it plays in V2. Let me try to illustrate this powerful aspect of V2. in·te·grate
[in-ti-greyt] Show IPA verb, in·te·grat·ed, in·te·grat·ing. verb (used with object)

  1. to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
  2. to make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, as parts do.
  3. to unite or combine.
A note about my background and experience: I started into Marketing at a very young age. In a thumbnail, I was born to be an artist. My parents were horrified about this claiming that artist starve to death. This freaked me out. So I bought many books on marketing art and marketing in general. One of those books, "Confessions of an Advertising Man", by David Ogilvy I purchased in 1980. That book changed my life. In 1984 Soon after I acquired my first computer and the quest to merge was on.

I coined the term back in the 90s as Data Base Marketing, but today, with the advent of a progressing Internet, and related technologies, what was a tactical or strategic action in the 80s today is represented by a digital counterpart.

Today's Internet Marketer is by far a lot less qualified to be in marketing than his counterpart 20 years ago. Today one can just claim to be an SEO master or an Internet Marketer simply because the information to discover the basics and intricacies to do so are at everyone's fingertips. This does not diminish the effectiveness of today's marketer over the marketing agency of 20 years ago, it just establishes that things have changed on a massive scale.

20 years ago it took a Marketing Department to accomplish what most Internet marketers set upon themselves to do today on their own. (This is why so many fail and/or have a chronic case of ADD; Attention Deficit Disorder). NOTE: "I suffer from this myself"

The marketing tools of the Internet, the ability to measure results, the ability to research on the Internet is a dream come true to a seasoned and long time experienced ad man as myself. But it also brings with it a serious risk potential and that is the undertaking of keeping track of and updating each of the aspects that compromise Internet Marketing today.

Back before the Internet an ad agency had many people for each respective responsibility, one department for sending direct mail, another for tradeshows and conferences and yet another for display advertising and printed material, press releases, radio ads, conventions, etc.....

This is why the majority of Internet marketers are tactical (focused mostly on one aspect like SEO) instead of being strategic, having a full focus of research, analysis, multifaceted campaigns using all the tools required for full scale Internet marketing, keeping it organized and processing the constant information caused by such a campaign.

Tools ie:

  • Hosting for domains and websites
  • Auto responders email for follow-up communications
  • Web Conference Rooms for live meetings, educational seminars, training connecting.
  • SEO systems, back links, authority sites, forums, blogs, etc.
  • Display advertising
  • A social networking system and management
  • Lead generating systems or resources for a steady inventory of leads.
  • Contact data management system, calendars, reminders component.

The need to integrate all these aspects is paramount otherwise the marketing campaign is limited to a tactical approach, with poor management and even worse results. IE: hit and miss attempts, scattered approaches caused by lack of a solid strategy, impulsively running from one idea to another, the results are mediocre at best and worse, forgetting what was done in the past as this method also lacks tracking the posts, ads, and tactics, etc. used.

I have seen competent SEO marketers run from one domain to another, buying more domains and creating sites just for posting more content on pointing to other sites pointing to other sites creating a mass of gibberish that at best might increase an Alexa ranking to some degree but never really amounting to anything but time wasted.

This same phenomena can be seen with many people on the Internet running from one business idea or opportunity to the other. With no clear-cut objective, this is why most Internet marketers fail.

When you integrate the entire process, from research analysis (keeping track of that), keyword analysis, targeted content, pre written letters ready for your sequential mail auto responders, team building with a symbiotic group, videos and audio animations and screen captured demos, capture pages (tested with your group in our Bull Pen: focus groups increase the overall effectiveness of design and strategy), blogging and other partners in your group blogging on your behalf, back linking strategies and keeping track of the thousands of authority site memberships for additional effect, ratings with Google Page ranks and Alexa ranks and tracking that, traffic tracking, running display ads and managing that, running Google adsense ads, Facebook Ads etc and tracking, radio ads and cableTV ads. Whew!

All of this seems very overwhelming to accomplish 'on your own'. However the very core of Veretekk and it's services and benefits allows you to run full throttle professional campaigns like this without resorting to hiring an agency to do it, or having a dozen or so unrelated services in an attempt to run something akin to this on your own

This level of marketing is what you will see from top income earners and the very successful among the halls of the top ranked members of Internet Marketing. This is the "why" for why we built Veretekk.

It is called integration. The entire Veretekk system is completely integrated so you can ramp up and run a far more effective marketing campaign. Ad to this the Market Manager and the fact that V2 social network element gives you the added benefit of building a symbiotic group to make your efforts that much more powerful.

This Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 12pm NOON PST I will be conducting another 2-3 hour seminar

To attend this free seminar Click Here and scroll to bottom of page enter you name and select the event

12:00 PM - Veretekk Inc. V2 Marketing Integration
You are hearing a lot about integration within Veretekk especially with the launch of V2. But most people do not fully grasp the term and how it plays in V2. At this seminar I will illustrate this powerful aspect of V2. Invite your guests. It's open house

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Marketing Your Business Tips

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Keywords and Search Results

I was in the Warriors forum today and someone was proudly boasting he had his site at no one in Google for his local cleaning company. but he complained his description was rubbish.

The reason being he had forgotten to add metatags to his site. Without metatags Google does not know what you want to display. you must remember to spend a little time setting up metatags on any site where you have access.

Google and other search engines are always seeking to present the results you are searching for, which is great however you need to ensure that when you are researching keywords or looking to find on what page your site appears to log out of application such as Google+.

For many years I have had a top ranking site for Lose Weight USA usually in the top 3 out of 80M but if I am logged into Google+ I have positions 2,3,4 and I also show as position 10 for weight loss with 210M results...great for the ego but not for business.

Matters can be further complicated by using local searches say for the Philippines where of course by site would not appear in results.

Another useful tool to use when researching keywords is Google Trends, which follow news items in this case you can clearly seen that items about weight loss are growing in popularity

Weight Loss trends

Not shown here are the links to the news items concerned, which one can follow in order to create extra content for your daily posts.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Marketing Your Business in the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Internet marketing in the Philippines

Like many Asian countries the Philippines has many budding entrepreneurs, who struggle to start online businesses due to lack of money. Low end affiliate programs with an out lay of $5-10 per month is a favourite, however this type of program rarely provides help on how you should market apart from approaching friends and family, which is certainly not the surefire way to success.

So where can you learn to market and promote your business. Well marketing not only entails learning but also requires tools and additional outlays for purchasing sites and blogs, business leads, autoresponders for sending messages, conference rooms etc The costs will soon mount up so you should be prepared to spend another $30-60 per month which puts it out of reach of the average wage earner in the Philippines.

Is there a solution, yes I think there is, I have an introduction package to an online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers! which costs nothing to join.

You will be able to develop your own webpage profile complete with a blog and videos which you can use to both promote your business and communicate with like minded people and at the same time learn the tricks of the trade to successfully get started with advertising your business.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Take a look at my profile page

Friday, May 04, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Video training

I have just reached a major milestone in my series of marketing your business videos, so far the videos have been concerned with showing you how to set up and configure your marketing system.

Todays video is entitled Daily Advertising Routine, and for the first time you are linking your system together. Notice I used the word "linking". This routine will be the start of building quality backlinks to the business you are building. the main readers of the information are search engines, that is why virtually all of my posts have no graphics, as search engines cannot read pictures but have to rely on the "alt" tag.

Yes some of the content may be read by humans as the same advert goes out in email format and the content is informative providing information about goods or services, if a reader is interested they have details of how to contact me and links to by business to serve themselves.

Now some people may have read that Google and other search engines do not like duplicate content, but we have not produced duplicates, it only takes as little as one word change in a page and it is unique, so by using different formats through our systems this content is unique.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Narketing your Business Video Training

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Video training

I am continuing work on showing people how to start marketing their business using the new veretekk social/business marketing system.

I have just added my latest video which is a guided tour for veretekk gold subscribers of the communications area and covers the following subjects:-


The next video in the series will be about Resources

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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