Saturday, January 26, 2013

Leads For your Bsuiness

Leads are the lifeblood for all business and are generally the result of marketing campaigns. If you start a new MLM business, you are told to start building a list of friends and family and other people you know and to be honest this is where most people fail, because you do not have the knowledge to overcome any questions your friends might have. One way around this is to get someone else to talk to your leads.

Now I am working with Billionaire Ed Mercer and he has made himself available on the phone to to answer any query regarding his 100 Millionaires project, that my leads might have and I do not think you can have better support than that.

When you have run out of people you know its time to move on and develop your own leads perhaps by building your own lead capture pages to peak peoples interest or else purchasing leads. You do need to take care when purchasing leads, to know the exact source and where they came from, as many of these leads are general leads and have been shared with hundreds of people so are often worthless. What you want are unique leads such as you get from your own marketing efforts.

Some companies allow you to share in their own marketing efforts by way of co-ops and these can be a great source of unique lead. Another way of obtaining unique leads for your business is from your existing customers by way of recommendation. These two methods work very well in my epicene and can be used to really grow your business fast.

David Ogden
Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Challwngs of life in Philippines

Departure Roadblock

Planning our move to Cyprus is becoming more and more stressful, The hold up appears to be with the National Statistic 0ffice (NSO) Our lawyer say Jasmin will get here Annulment document this weekend, apart from one due from the NSO which corrects the official records, this will take another week or so and without this document we cannot get married.

We have also discovered to our horror that getting a copy of our marriage certificate could take many months some people are still waiting after a year. It seems if one lives in Manila there are quicker ways but like everything in the provinces it takes extra time.

Our solution is to travel to Cyprus and get married there, the only drawback is getting a visa for both Jasmin and Jay, We have to prove our relationship and their dependance on me. I have contacted the Registry office in Paphos and provided and we should be able to use our document provided they are stamped by the Department of Foreign affairs in Zamboanga at the same time we need to get Jay passport and an apostile of Jays Birth certificate. this once more relies on the NSO to change and Register Jays surname to that of his mother. We can foresee a problem here.

I personally do not trust the NSO, as part of our preparations to get married here (plan A) I had to get a CENOMAR certificate of no marriage in the Philippines from them. Image my surprise when it return a record saying I was Already married to another Filipino. Luckily I had my old passport and it clearly showed I was in Cyprus at the time! So they amended the record and gave me a clean result.

Timing is getting quite critical as I have learnt that Jasmin and Jays visa document which we will send to Manila have to be sent to Cyprus , before a visa can be issues.

My job at the present is together supporting documentation for their visa, with the aim of posting them the day after my birthday, which was the original day of our planned marriage.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Marketing Your Business

SEO and Social Marketing
Marketing your Business

Traditional SEO is beginning to lose its influence as Google adjusts its algorithms and starts to pay more attention to social marketing via Twitter, Facebook and Google +, I think the future is clear, business needs to make better use of social marketing, however using applications such as Facebook is not easy for business, because there is a lot of social chat and I think it will fade away in the future like Myspace, to be replaced by something better.

Business hubs and networks are growing and developing online as a way to present and share business with a wider market and the Internet is also seeing increase use from bricks and mortar business for advertising as traditional adverting in newspapers and magazines is failing to deliver as people now use phones and tablet on a regular basis and create mobile Apps.

Good content will always be rewarded and one way to do this is to blog on a regular basis and build a following making good use of forums and social networks to share and comment on areas that you are involved with. Until the next time

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Creating Serious Wealth

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Life in Philippines - 2013

A Good start to the year

The new year started with a bang and 30 minutes into the year there was a black out and since then power and Internet connection has been effected by bad weather. We are keeping pour figures crossed that next week we will have all the documents required to start registering our marriage in February.

We still are waiting clarifications of our visa requirements for Cyprus but have drafted out a schedule made at the moment are looking for a packer and forwarder. We do mot have that much to move just personal possessions. we have also started to research in detail what properties we are interested in renting.

We are also ramping up the sale of our Dipolog house and lot and it would be great if we can get a buyer before we move, or else Jasmin's parents will live here with the dogs until such time as it is sold. we also will be putting our car on the market. Finances are going to be tight and we will need to dip into our savings to finance the move, but it seems we are off to a good start.

We still have worries about our respective parents health and Jasmin's mother will need to consult a heart specialist for treatment.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge